BIOBIB - search for all fuels
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directly. This would be particularly useful for searching a botanical name. Click on one of the letters below to jump
to the first biofuel starting with this letter.
- ailanthus
Ailanthus altissima
- alder, black alder /log
Alnus glutinosa
- alder, red alder /bark
Alnus rubra
- alder+poplar+willow
Alnus sp.+Popolus sp.+Salix sp.
- alfalfa
Medicago sativa
- alfalfa /stems
Medicago sativa
- almond
Prunus amygdalus
- almond /hulls
Prunus amygdalus
- almond /shells
Prunus amygdalus
- amaranth
Amaranthus sp.
- ash /log
Fraxinus sp.
- ash, green ash /bark
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
- ash, white ash
Fraxinus americana
- ash, white ash /bark
Fraxinus americana
- bagasse, sugar bagasse
- bark
- bark, mixed
- barley
Hordeum vulgare
- barley /straw
Hordeum vulgare
- barley, summer barley /straw
Hordeum vulgare
- barley, winter barley /straw
Hordeum vulgare
- barley; Finnish /straw
Hordeum vulgare
- bean /straw
Phaseolus sp.
- beech
Fagus sp.
- beech /chips
Fagus sp.
- beech, red beech /log
Fagus silvatica
- beech; american beech/bark
Fagus grandifolia
- birch
Betula sp.
- birch /log
Betula sp.
- birch, white birch /bark
Betula pendula
- birch+maple /chips
Betula sp.+Acer sp.
- cane; Italy
Arundo donax
- cedar
Cedrus sp.
- cedar /bark
Cedrus sp.
- cellulose
- cereals
- cereals, almo-W-ex; Wolfsthal Austria
- cereals, almo-W-in; Wolfsthal Austria
- cereals, almo ex. 94; Wolfsthal Austria /grain
- cereals, almo ex. 94; Wolfsthal Austria /straw
- cereals, almo in. 94; Wolfsthal Austria /grain
- cereals, almo in. 94; Wolfsthal Austria /straw
- cereals, almo N1; Groß-Enzersdorf Austria
- cereals, almo N3; Groß-Enzersdorf Austria
- cereals, capo-W-ex; Wolfsthal Austria
- cereals, capo-W-in; Wolfsthal Austria
- cereals, capo N1; Groß-Enzersdorf Austria
- cereals, capo N3; Groß-Enzersdorf Austria
- cereals, hai-W-ex; Wolfsthal Austria
- cereals, hai-W-in; Wolfsthal Austria
- cereals, heiduck-W-ex; Wolfsthal Austria
- cereals, heiduck-W-in; Wolfsthal Austria
- cereals, indos N3; Groß-Enzersdorf Austria
- cereals, lindos N1; Groß-Enzersdorf Austria
- cereals, presto N1; Großenzersdorf Austria
- cereals, presto N3; Großenzersdorf Austria
- cereals, renan N1; Großenzersdorf Austria
- cereals, renan N3; Großenzersdorf Austria
- cereals, typo N1; Großenzersdorf Austria
- cereals, typo N3; Großenzersdorf Austria
- chaparral
Yucca whipplei
- cherry tree
Prunus avium
- cherry tree /log
Prunus avium
- chestnut /log
Castanea sativa
- coal, anthracite
- coal, bituminous coal
- coal, brown coal
- coal, charcoal
- coal, coke
- coal, lignite coal
- coal, low temp coke
- coal, Pittsburgh seam coal
- coal, Utah coal
- coal, west Kentucky no. 11 coal
- coal, Wyoming elkol coal
- cocoa /hull
Theobroma cacao
- coconut /fibre
Cocos nucifera
- corn /stalks
- cotton
Gossypium sp.
- cotton /husks
Gossypium sp.
- cotton /stalks
Gossypium sp.
- cotton, cotton waste
Gossypium sp.
- douglas fir
Pseudotsuga menziesii
- douglas fir /bark
Pseudotsuga menziesii
- douglas fir /log
Pseudotsuga menziesii
- elm
Ulmus sp.
- elm /stick
Ulmus sp.
- eucalyptus
Eucalyptus sp.
- eucalyptus /chips
Eucalyptus sp.
- fir
Abies sp.
- fir, /whole tree
Picea sp.
- fir, balsam fir /bark
Abies balsamea
- fir, white fir
Abies concolor
- fir; fir char /bark
Abies sp.
- flax
Llinum usitatissimum
- flax /shive
Llinum usitatissimum
- flax /straw
Llinum usitatissimum
- grass, field grass
- grass, grass straw char
- grass, intensive grass
- grass, knotgrass
Paspalum distichum
- grass, reed canary grass
Phalaris arundinacea
- grass, summer switch grass
Panicum virgatum
- grass, switch grass
Panicum virgatum
- grass, switch grass; Dakota
Panicum virgatum
- haselnut /seedcoat
Corylus avellana
- hazelnut /shell
Corylus avellana
- hemlock fir
Tsuga heterophylla
- hemlock fir; eastern hemlock fir /bark
Tsuga heterophylla
- hemlock fir; western hemlock fir
Tsuga heterophylla
- hemlock fir; western hemlock fir /bark
Tsuga heterophylla
- hemp
Cannabis sativa
- hickory
Carya sp.
- hickory, shagbark hickory/bark
Carya ovata
- kenaf; Italy
Hibiscus cannabinus
- larch /log
Larix sp.
- larch; european larch/chips
Larix decidua
- larch; western larch/bark
Larix occidentalis
- lupine
LuPinus sp.
- macadamia
Macadamia sp.
- maize /stemps
Zea mays
- maize /straw
Zea mays
- maize /whole crop
Zea mays
- maize, corncob
Zea mays
- maple
Acer sp.
- maple /chips
Acer sp.
- maple, red maple /bark
Acer rubrum
- maple, silver maple /bark
Acer saccharinum
- maple, sugar maple /bark
Acer saccharum
- miscanthus; Atzenbrugg-Gülle Austria
Miscanthus sp.
- miscanthus; Atzenbrugg Austria
Miscanthus sp.
- miscanthus; Germany
Miscanthus sp.
- miscanthus; Ilz Austria
Miscanthus sp.
- miscanthus; Italy
Miscanthus sp.
- miscanthus; Markgrafneus. Austria
Miscanthus sp.
- miscanthus; St.Florian Austria
Miscanthus sp.
- miscanthus; Steinbrunn Austria
Miscanthus sp.
- miscanthus; three annual
Miscanthus sp.
- miscanthus; two annual
Miscanthus sp.
- oak
Quercus sp.
- oak /chips
Quercus sp.
- oak /log
Quercus sp.
- oak, american red oak
Quercus rubra
- oak, black oak /bark
Quercus velutina
- oak, black oak; american
Quercus velutina
- oak, northern red oak /bark
Quercus rubra
- oak, oak char; 1060F
Quercus sp.
- oak, oak char; 820F-1185F
Quercus sp.
- oak, oak charcoal; 1060F
Quercus sp.
- oak, oak charcoal; 820F-1185F
Quercus sp.
- oak, pin oak /bark
Quercus palustris
- oak, post oak /bark
Quercus stellata
- oak, red oak /chips
Quercus rubra
- oak, southern red oak /bark
Quercus rubra
- oak, tan oak
Quercus sp.
- oak, white oak
Quercus alba
- oak, white oak; american
Quercus alba
- oak, white oak; northern /bark
Quercus alba
- oak, white oak; southern /bark
Quercus alba
- oak; Alabama /chips
Quercus sp.
- oak; Alabama /woodwaste
Quercus sp.
- oats
Avena sativa
- oats /straw
Avena sativa
- olive /stone
Olea europaea
- paper
- paper /pellets
- paper, brown paper; municipal refuse and major components (5,6%)
- paper, magazine paper; municipal refuse and major components (6,8%)
- paper, newspaper; municipal refuse and major components (9,4% of average waste)
- paper, paper boxes; municipal refuse and major components (23,4%)
- peach /stone
Prunus persica
- peanut /hull
Arachis hypogaea
- pine
Pinus sp.
- pine /bark
Pinus sp.
- pine /chips
Pinus sp.
- pine /log
Pinus sp.
- pine /sawdust
Pinus sp.
- pine, eastern white pine
Pinus strobus
- pine, eastern white pine /bark
Pinus strobus
- pine, jack pine /bark
Pinus banksiana
- pine, loblolly pine /bark
Pinus taeda
- pine, lodgepole pine /bark
Pinus contorta
- pine, lodgepole pine residues
Pinus contorta
- pine, longleaf pine /bark
Pinus palustris
- pine, pitch pine
Pinus rigida
- pine, ponderosa pine
Pinus ponderosa
- pine, ponderosa pine /bark
Pinus ponderosa
- pine, red pine /bark
Pinus resinosa
- pine, shortleaf pine /bark
Pinus echinata
- pine, virginia pine /bark
Pinus virginiana
- pine, yellow pine
Pinus sp.
- pine; Corsican
Pinus sp.
- pine; mixed
Pinus sp.
- pine; slashed /bark
Pinus sp.
- pistachio
Pistacia vera
- pistachio /shell
Pistacia vera
- poplar
Popolus sp.
- poplar, black cottonwood /bark
Popolus trichocarpa
- poplar, black poplar /log
Popolus nigra
- poplar, eastern cottonwood /bark
Popolus deltoides
- poplar, quaking aspen /bark
Popolus tremuloides
- rape
Brassica napus var. napus
- rape /straw
Brassica napus var. napus
- rape /whole crop
Brassica napus var. napus
- rape, rape oil filter cake
Brassica napus var. napus
- rape; summer rape /straw
Brassica napus var. napus
- rapeseed
Brassica napus var. napus
- rice
Oryza sativa
- rice /hull
Oryza sativa
- rice /straw
Oryza sativa
- rice, rice bales
Oryza sativa
- rice, rice bales; decayed
Oryza sativa
- rice, rice hull char /hull
Oryza sativa
- rice, rice mix /straw
Oryza sativa
- robinia /log
Robinia sp.
- rye /straw
Secale cereale
- sequoia
- sequoia, redwood sequoia
Seqoia sempervirens
- sequoia, redwood sequoia /bark
Seqoia sempervirens
- sequoia, redwood sequoia char; 790F-1020F
Seqoia sempervirens
- sequoia, redwood sequoia char; 800F-1725F
Seqoia sempervirens
- sequoia, redwood sequoia charcoal; 790F-1020F
Seqoia sempervirens
- sequoia, redwood sequoia charcoal; 860F-1725F
Seqoia sempervirens
- sequoia, redwood sequoia wastewood
Seqoia sempervirens
- sorghum
Sorghum sp.
- sorghum, sweet sorghum
Sorghum saccharatum
- sorghum, sweet sorghum; Italy
Sorghum saccharatum
- spruce
Picea abies
- spruce /bark
Picea abies
- spruce /chips
Picea abies
- spruce /log
Picea abies
- spruce, black spruce /bark
Picea mariana
- spruce, engelmann spruce /bark
Picea engelmannii
- spruce, white spruce /bark
Picea glauca
- spruce; sitka spruce /whole tree
Picea sitchensis
- spruce; thinning residues /whole tree
Picea abies
- spruce; thinning residues without needles /whole tree
Picea abies
- spruce+beech
Picea abies+Fagus silvatica
- sugar cane
Saccharum officinarum
- sunflower
Helianthus annuus
- sunflower /husk
Helianthus annuus
- sunflower /residue
Helianthus annuus
- sunflower /straw
Helianthus annuus
- sycomore /bark
Platanus sp.
- tobacco /leaf
Nicotiana tabacum
- tobacco /stalk
Nicotiana tabacum
- tupelo, black tupelo /bark
Nyssa sylvatica
- walnut
Junglans regia
- walnut /shell
Junglans regia
- walnut, black walnut
Junglans regia
- walnut, english walnut
Junglans regia
- waste wood
- waste wood, birch furn. ply.
- waste wood, cyclone ash
- waste wood, demolition wood
- waste wood, filter ash
- waste wood, furniture waste
- waste wood, lacquered waste wood
- waste wood, lanimated wood
- waste wood, mixed waste wood
- waste wood, particle board; s.hardwoods
- waste wood, particle board; s.pine coarse
- waste wood, particle board; s.pine fine
- waste wood, particle board; s.pine medium
- waste wood, particle boards; partly impregnant
- waste wood, particle boards; pressed
- waste wood, plywood scraps
- waste wood, railroad ties
- waste wood, salt impregnanted wood
- waste wood, telephone poles
- waste wood, uncontaminated waste wood
- waste wood, waste wood containing particle boards
- waste wood, wood residues containing adhesives
- waste wood; fir treated
- waste wood; grate ash
- waste wood; pressure treated waste wood
- waste, animal waste
- waste, animal waste char
- waste, cartoon-plastic-aluminium packing
- waste, compost
- waste, domestic organic waste from the municipal collection
- waste, municipal solid waste
- waste, municipal solid waste char
- waste, national average waste; municipal refuse and major components
- waste, pulp & paper
- waste, pulp & paper mill sludge
- waste, rejects from waste paper preparation
- waste, sewage sludge
- waste, sewage sludge from waste paper production
- waste, sugar beet
Beta vulgaris var. altissima
- waste, tea waste
Camellia sinensis
- waste, waste from brewing-industries
- waste, waste from malt-industries
- waste, waste material
- waste, waste paper
- wheat
Triticum aestivum
- wheat /chaff
Triticum aestivum
- wheat /grain
Triticum aestivum
- wheat /stems
Triticum aestivum
- wheat /straw
Triticum aestivum
- wheat /whole crop
Triticum aestivum
- wheat+rye /straw
Triticum aestivum+Secale cereale
- willow
Salix sp.
- willow, black willow /bark
Salix nigra
- willow, white willow /stick
Salix alba
- wood
- wood /bark
- wood /briquette
- wood /chips
- wood waste /tree pruning
- wood waste, compost /bark
- wood waste, driftwood
- wood waste, forest residue; Finnish /chips
- wood waste, forest residue; Swedish /chips
- wood waste, mixed softwood residues
- wood waste, redwood; mill wood waste /shavings
- wood waste, softwood residues
- wood, compressed wood briquettes /pellets
- wood, forest wood /chips+bark
- wood, forest wood chips /whole tree
- wood, hardwood
- wood, hardwood /bark
- wood, hardwood /chips
- wood, lumped hardwood
- wood, lumped softwood
- wood, mixed hardwood /chips
- wood, mixed wood /chips
- wood, plywood scraps
- wood, sawdust
- wood, sawdust /pellets
- wood, softwood

Institute of Chemical Engineering, Fuel and Environmental Technology
Getreidemarkt 9/159
A-1060 Vienna