BIOBIB - literature

The list below shows the literature with the corresponding reference number used in the BIOBIB data sheets.

  1. A.Schmidt, A.Zschetzsche, W.Hantsch-Linhart; "Analyse von biogenen Brennstoffen"; TU Wien, Institut für Verfahrens-, Brennstoff- und Umwelttechnik; [1993]
  2. U.Bossel; "Heizen mit Holz"; Tagungsbericht; [1980]; 84, 85, 117
  3. A.Schmidt, H.Bauer; "Möglichkeiten zur Gewinnung von Energie aus biogenen Rohstoffen in Österreich; [1978]
  4. H.Braun, A.Eder, B.Angrüner; "Emissionen bei Hackgutfeuerungen"; Arbeitsgemeinschaft f. erneuerbare Energien; Wien [1988]
  5. H.Braun; "Emissionen bei der Verbrennung"; Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Jungend und Familie; Wien [1991]
  6. M.L.Harder, D.W.Einspahr; "Levels of some essential metals in bark"; Tappi Vol. 63; No 12 [1980]; 110-112
  7. Th.Nussbaumer; "Stofffluß bei der Verbrennung und Vergasung von Altholz"; EDMZ Nr.805.172d; Bern [1993]
  8. Th.Nussbaumer; "Dioxin-und Furanemissionen bei Altholzfeuerungen"; EDMZ Nr.805.174d, Bern [1994]
  9. "Forestry waste firing of industrial boilers"; ETSU, Report No. B1178, London [1990]
  10. L.M.Naylor, E.J.Schmidt; "Agricultural use of wood ash as a fertilizer und liming material"; Tappi; No 10 [1986]; 114-119
  11. N.J.Sell, Th.H.McIntosch; "Technical and economic Feasibility of briquetting mill sludge for boiler fuel"; Tappi No. 3 [1988]; 135-139
  12. G.G.Simpson et al; "Paper mill sludges, coal fly ash, and surplus lime mud as soil amendments in crop production"; Tappi No. 7 [1983]; 71-74
  13. "Straw ash characeristics"; ETSU, Report No. B1242; London [1993]
  14. H.Braun; "Emissionen bei Strohfeuerungen"; Boku Wien, Institut f. Landtechnik und Energiewirtschaft; Wien [1986]
  15. "Straw firing of industrial boilers"; ETSU, report No. B1158, London [1988]
  16. Th.R.Miles; "Alkali deposits found in biomass power plants"; third project meeting [1993]
  17. R.S.Atkins; "Wood products in the waste stream: characterization and combustion emissions"; New York state Energy Reseach and Development Authority; Vol.1; [1992]
  18. L.Gustavsson; "Characterisation of biomass and biomass-ashes"; [1994]
  19. E.A.Osman, J.R.Gross; "Ash chemical combustion, deformation and fusion temperatures for wood and agricultural residues"; ASAE, No. 83-3549; Michigan [1983]
  20. K.Reisinger; Dissertation "Energetische Verwertungsmöglichkeiten von biogenen Reststoffen verschiedener Industriebranchen wowie aus kommunalen Sammelsystemen"; Institut für Verfahrenstechnik; TU Wien [1997]
  21. http://rredc.nrel.gov:80/biomass/doe/nrel/comp/alki/appendix.html
  22. P.Ruckenbauer; "Definition des Rohstoffes Getreideganzpflanze und Miscanthus sinesis 'Giganteus' im hinblick auf die energetische bzw. thermische Nutzung"; Interuniversitäres Forschungsinstitut für Agrarbiotechnologie Wien, Mai [1995]
  23. C.Wilen, A.Moilanen & E.Kurkela; "Biomass feedstock analyses"; VTT Publications 282; Thechnical research centre of Finland; Espoo [1996]
  24. E.S.Domalski et.al.; "Thermodynamic Data for Biomass Materials and Waste Components"; ASME; New York [1987]
  25. Graboski, M and R. Bain, "A Survey of Biomass Gasification"; Vol2, Chapter 3; [1979]
  26. P.Merhling, H.Vierrath; "Gasification of Lignite and Wood in the Lurgi Circulating Fluidizes-Bed Gasifier"; Lurgi GmbH, Frankfurt, Ger, EPRI
  27. R.J.Evans, et.al.; "Development of Biomass Gasification to Produce Substitute Fuels"; IGT, PNL Report PNL-6518; [1958]
  28. H.F.Feldmann, et.al.; "Conversion of Forest Residues to a Methane-Rich Gas in a High-Throughput Gasifier Battelle Columbus"; Laboratories for Pacific Norwest laboratory, PNL Report PNL-6570, May [1988]
  29. N.Magasiner, J.W. de Kock; "Design Criteria for Fibrous Fuel Fired Boilers"; Energy World, Aug/Sep [1987]; p 4-12
  30. Fax ETS Gordinne&Cie International Surveyors-Samplers and Assayers, Draught-Surveyors
  31. "Calculation of higher heating values of biomass fuels", Fuel Vol. 76, No 5, pp. 431-434, 1997
  32. "A Study of the Market for rice Husk-to-Energy Systems and Equipment"; Final Report Contract no. ACK-5-14228, appendix D
  33. M.H.Rei, F.S.Lin, T.B.Su;"Catalytic gasification of rice hull. The steam reforming reaction"; Applied catalysis, 26 (1986); 26-37
  34. M.Graboski, R.Bain; "A Survey of Biomass Gasification"; Solar Energy Research Institute; Volume II - Principles of Gasification; chapter 3; Properties of Biomass Relevant to Gasification; Colorado School of Mines; II38 [1979]
  35. measurements received from H.Hofbauer
  36. M.Graboski, R.Bain; "A Survey of Biomass Gasification"; Solar Energy Research Institute; Volume II - Principles of Gasification; chapter 3; Properties of Biomass Relevant to Gasification; Colorado School of Mines; II26, II27, II30, II33 [1979]
  37. H.Hofbauer, T.Linsmayer, A.Zschetsche; "Characterisation of biomass fuels and ashes", presented at the IEA-Biomass Conversion Task X, Vienna, Austria [1994]